Gastric Sleeve Diet

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Following a gastric sleeve surgery, adhering to a prescribed dietary regimen during the recovery period becomes imperative. This regimen typically commences with the exclusive intake of clear liquids for a specified duration, gradually incorporating a broader range of foods into your gastric sleeve diet.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy, commonly known as gastric sleeve surgery, is a type of bariatric procedure designed to address severe obesity. This surgical intervention involves the removal of a significant portion of the stomach, creating a slender “sleeve” structure. The reduction in stomach size plays a pivotal role in calorie restriction and the suppression of hunger signals. Clinically recommended for individuals grappling with severe obesity, this surgery aims to facilitate substantial and sustainable weight loss.

Bariatric Diet

Contemplating gastric sleeve surgery likely has you pondering how to embrace a completely new approach to eating. Anticipating the post-surgery phase is both thrilling and demanding.

The dietary regimen, meticulously prescribed for both pre and post-surgery periods, is intricately crafted to facilitate recovery and minimize potential complications. As you journey through the recovery process, the dietary focus gradually transitions to instill healthy eating habits, fostering continued weight loss and, ultimately, the maintenance of a lifelong healthy weight.

It’s crucial to note that this article serves as a general overview of what to expect before and after surgery, not a universal clinical guideline applicable to every individual. Your healthcare professional will closely monitor your post-surgery progress, customizing your diet based on your specific needs.

Pre Bariatric Surgery Diet (Gastric Sleeve)

A crucial dietary objective before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is the reduction of liver size. In cases of obesity, the liver often harbors an excess of fat cells, causing it to enlarge beyond its optimal size.

Positioned adjacent to the stomach, an oversized liver complicates the surgical process for your doctor and increases the risk for you as the patient.

In preparation for the impending procedure, you’ll receive a meticulously outlined diet to commence two weeks prior to your scheduled surgery date. This stringent regimen focuses on calorie and carbohydrate reduction, excluding items such as sweets, potatoes, and pasta. The diet primarily comprises lean protein, vegetables, and low- or no-calorie fluids, with your doctor specifying a daily caloric target.

In the two days leading up to the surgery, your gastric sleeve pre op diet will transition to a clear liquid format. This may encompass a daily intake of a no-sugar protein shake, alongside broth, water, decaffeinated coffee or tea, Jell-O, and sugar-free popsicles. It’s advised to steer clear of caffeinated and carbonated beverages during this period.

Gastric Sleeve Post Op Diet (Week 1 Diet)

As a with the gastric bypass diet, during the initial week post-surgery, you will continue adhering to the clear liquid diet that was followed in the days leading up to the procedure.

This continuity is crucial in preventing potential postoperative complications, encompassing issues like bowel obstruction, gastric leakage, diarrhea, constipation, and dehydration. Allowing your body the necessary time to heal, this regimen serves as a supportive measure. Here are essential tips to bear in mind about diet after gastric sleeve:

  • Ensure adequate consumption of clear liquids. If maintaining hydration proves challenging, consult your doctor about trying electrolyte drinks, such as low-calorie Gatorade.
  • Avoid beverages with added sugar. Sugar can contribute to dumping syndrome—a complication arising from the rapid entry of excessive sugar into the small intestine, resulting in severe nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting. Additionally, sugar is laden with empty calories and should be avoided both in the immediate postoperative phase and minimized in the long term.
  • Steer clear of caffeine, which may contribute to acid reflux and dehydration.
  • Refrain from carbonated beverages, including those with sugar, no-calorie options, and seltzer, as they can contribute to gas and bloating. It’s advisable to avoid these beverages postoperatively and potentially even in the long term.

Week 2 Diet

In the second week after gastric sleeve, you will progress to a full-liquid diet, expanding your options to include:

  • No-sugar nutrition shakes like Ensure Light
  • Instant breakfast drinks
  • Shakes prepared with protein powder
  • Thin broth and cream-based soups without chunks; small amounts of soft soup noodles are permissible
  • Unsweetened milk
  • Sugar-free, nonfat pudding
  • Sugar-free, nonfat frozen yogurt, ice cream, and sorbet
  • Nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • Fruit juices without pulp, diluted with water
  • Thinned, hot cereal such as Cream of Wheat or oatmeal

During the post gastric sleeve diet phase, you may experience an increase in appetite. While this is a natural occurrence, it is essential not to succumb to solid foods. Your digestive system is still adjusting to the changes and is not yet prepared for solids, which could lead to complications such as vomiting and other issues.

Opting for liquid intake while steering clear of sugar and fat plays a pivotal role in priming you for the subsequent phase of your diet. It’s crucial to continue avoiding carbonated beverages and caffeine during this period.

Week 3 Gastric Sleeve Diet Plan

During the third week, the incorporation of soft, pureed foods into your gastric sleeve meal plan becomes feasible. It’s imperative to adopt a slow and thorough eating approach, chewing each morsel at least 25 times if possible. Any low-fat, sugar-free foods that can be pureed, including lean protein sources and nonfibrous vegetables, are deemed acceptable.

A notable emphasis is placed on elevating your protein intake during this phase. If the taste of pureed lean protein sources is not to your liking, you can persist with the consumption of no-sugar protein shakes or incorporate daily servings of eggs. Consider including the following foods in your gastric sleeve meals:

  • Jarred baby food
  • Silken tofu
  • Cooked, pureed white fish
  • Soft-scrambled or soft-boiled eggs
  • Soup
  • Cottage cheese
  • Canned fruit in juice
  • Mashed bananas or very ripe mango
  • Hummus
  • Pureed or mashed avocado
  • Plain Greek yogurt

Maintain the avoidance of chunked and solid foods, as well as caffeine during this period. Additionally, adhere to bland foods with mild or no seasoning, as spices may contribute to heartburn.

Week 4 Gastric Sleeve Diet

Upon reaching the one-month mark post-surgery, you can gradually reintegrate solid foods into your diet, putting your newfound healthy-eating skills into full practice. It remains crucial to continue avoiding sugar and fat, including high-fat dairy, and to steer clear of hard-to-digest foods like steak, fibrous vegetables, and nuts.

Likewise, exclude pasta, white potatoes, and other high-carb options from your menu. Caffeinated beverages may be reintroduced in moderation at this stage. Here are foods you can incorporate into your diet:

  • Well-cooked chicken and fish
  • Well-cooked vegetables
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Low-fat cheese
  • Fruit
  • Low-sugar cereal

Long Term Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Week 5 and Beyond)

As you transition into the phase of safely consuming solid food, it’s time to establish a sustainable long-term eating plan. Maintain a consistent emphasis on lean protein and vegetables, gradually introducing one food at a time to meticulously monitor your body’s responses.

Certain foods should be entirely avoided or consumed on an occasional basis from this point onward—these include sugary sweets and soda. All other foods can be reintroduced into your diet unless they elicit adverse symptoms.

Exercise discernment in your food choices by opting for nutrient-dense options and steering clear of empty calories. Structuring your day around three small meals, with minimal snacks, may facilitate adherence to your plan. Additionally, ensure continuous hydration for overall well-being.

Guadlines and Tips

Here are post-surgical recovery tips designed to help you stay on course:

  1. Utilize a blender or food processor for food pureeing.
  2. Distinguish between physical hunger and mental/emotional appetite.
  3. Exercise portion control to prevent stomach overstretching, allowing it to stabilize over time.
  4. Embrace slow chewing and eating practices.
  5. Steer clear of non-nutrient calories.
  6. Avoid concentrated sugars.
  7. Eliminate trans fats, fried, processed, and fast foods from your diet.
  8. Safeguard against dehydration by sipping water or opting for low-calorie versions of Gatorade.
  9. Separate eating and drinking times.
  10. Consult your doctor regarding bariatric vitamins and supplements tailored to your needs.
  11. Incorporate movement into your routine, starting with walking and exploring enjoyable exercises like swimming, dancing, and yoga.
  12.  Refrain from alcohol consumption, as gastric sleeve surgery and other bariatric procedures may heighten and hasten its effects.
  13.  Steer clear of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen, as they can compromise your stomach’s natural protective coating.

To obtain detailed information about gastric sleeve surgery, you can read our article titled “Gastric Sleeve in Turkey.



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