Mini Gastric Bypass Revision

BMI 30+


7 Days



Operation Time

1.5-2 Hours

Recovery time

7 Days








6-7 Days

Mini gastric bypass revision is a surgical procedure that aims to modify or correct a previous mini gastric bypass surgery. The mini bypass revision may be considered when the initial surgery did not achieve the desired weight loss or when complications arise.

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What is Mini Gastric Bypass Revision?

Medically referred to as the “one-anastomosis surgery,” mini gastric bypass revision (MGB) is a well-recognized adaptation of the RNY gastric bypass procedure. This mini bypass revision method serves as an effective primary treatment for obesity and offers a revisional solution for patients with prior unsuccessful surgeries such as gastric sleeve.

During the mini gastric bypass procedure, the surgeon employs laparoscopic techniques to create a mini stomach pouch, forming a slender tube. This pouch is subsequently connected to the small intestine. The overall effect of this process is a reduction in stomach size, leading to an early feeling of fullness during meals.

Sleeve Revision To Mini Gastric Bypass

The ‘sleeve revision to mini gastric bypass’ is a bariatric surgical intervention aimed at the adjustment or rectification of a prior sleeve gastrectomy procedure. This surgical process entails the transformation of the current sleeve-shaped stomach into a reduced, tubular stomach pouch, coupled with the rerouting of the small intestine to establish a new anatomical connection.

This procedure is typically contemplated in cases where individuals who have previously undergone sleeve gastrectomy experience suboptimal weight loss or face post-operative complications. The primary goal of this revision from sleeve to mini bypass procedure is to augment weight loss outcomes and enhance the overall efficacy of the initial bariatric intervention. It is important for individuals contemplating revision from sleeve to mini bypass to engage in consultations with a physician specializing in the field to ascertain its suitability in light of their unique medical history and individual healthcare requirements.

BMI Calculator

This calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults 20 years and older.

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Çoktan Seçme
Height: 170
Weight: 75

Who is Mini Gastric Bypass Revision for?

The selection of appropriate candidates for mini gastric bypass revision (MGB) adheres to the same established criteria and standards employed in the assessment for other bariatric surgical methods. In addition, there exist distinct patient subgroups for whom MGB demonstrates exceptional suitability.

  1. Metabolic Diseases:MGB is an excellent option for patients with extensive abdominal obesity or advanced metabolic syndrome due to its impressive metabolic benefits. It is particularly well-suited for patients with Type 2 diabetes, regardless of their body mass index.
  2. Reflux and Hiatal Hernia:Individuals with obesity-related reflux disease may find a mini gastric bypass procedure advantageous due to its ability to reduce pressure.
  3. Revision Surgery After Unsuccessful Procedures:MGB is a viable choice for revision surgery following unsuccessful restrictive procedures such as gastric band and sleeve gastrectomy. Given the increasing popularity of sleeve gastrectomy, it is expected to become the primary choice for revision surgery shortly. Moreover, MGB’s anti-reflux properties make it a secondary option for addressing reflux issues following sleeve gastrectomy.
  4. Age and BMI:Candidates for laparoscopic mini gastric bypass should meet the general eligibility criteria for bariatric surgery and be in good health. In elderly patients, extra caution is advised regarding the length of the absorption-reducing segment, which may need to be slightly shorter. MGB has proven highly effective, particularly in individuals classified as super morbidly obese.
  5. Condition of the Small Intestine: In minigastric bypass surgery, the small intestine must be free, as it plays a crucial role in small intestine anastomosis. In cases of a frozen pelvis where the small intestine cannot be mobilized, both MGB and other procedures involving the small intestine are not recommended

Mini Gastric Bypass Before & After

Our Patients Reviews

The mini gastric bypass in turkey is a weight loss procedure that has gained popularity worldwide, including in Turkey, a prominent hub for medical tourism. Understanding the advantages of this surgery is essential for those considering it as a solution. Here is an overview of the main benefits of gastric bypass, supported by favorable our patient reviews:

The mini gastric bypass revision surgery, performed laparoscopically, involves the creation of a small stomach pouch measuring 15 cm in length and 2 cm in width, using staples. This pouch is then connected to the small intestine, typically at a distance of 180 – 200 cm.

This surgical approach significantly reduces stomach volume from approximately 1000 cc to 50 cc, leading to early satiety with smaller food intake. Additionally, mini gastric bypass surgery can effectively manage diabetes by inhibiting and decreasing the absorption of sugar and sugary foods ingested through the intestine.

How Much Does Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost?

The mini gastric bypass surgery cost can vary significantly on a global scale, ranging from $5,000 to $22,000. This price discrepancy has led to a growing trend of patients seeking more affordable yet high-quality medical care abroad. Before scheduling the procedure, it is advisable to carefully assess mini gastric bypass cost, taking into consideration the expertise, reputation, and accessibility of the chosen bariatric facility.

Several key factors influence the pricing of mini gastric bypass revision:

  • Cities and regions with higher living costs and a greater demand for the procedure often command higher prices.
  • Surgeons with extensive experience and a strong professional reputation may charge higher fees for their services.
  • The overall mini bypass cost is contingent upon the fees levied by the hospital or surgical facility where it is conducted.
  • When traveling for surgery, expenses for airfare and lodging increase in line with the distance traveled.
  • Certain insurance policies may cover some or all of the procedure’s cost, but the extent of coverage varies.

In cases where medical complications arise during or after the procedure, additional medical care and associated fees may become necessary.

What are the Benefits of the Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure?

Following mini bypass revision, patients typically experience a weight loss of around 10-15 kilograms within the initial month. This procedure tends to yield a higher success rate in terms of shedding excess weight when compared to sleeve gastrectomy. Both surgeries involve restrictions on food intake.

Within the first year post mini gastric bypass revision surgery, patients typically achieve a weight loss of approximately 75 percent of their excess weight, with further progress to 80-90 percent in the second year. This substantial reduction in excess weight is often accompanied by marked improvements in obesity-related health conditions.

The optimal bariatric surgery, characterized by minimal risks and complications, represents a crucial approach for enhancing the quality of life through sustainable weight loss. In this context, mini gastric bypass surgery emerges as a technically straightforward method. It holds the potential to become the primary choice for revision surgeries shortly.

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At Heal Wide Clinic, our dedicated team of skilled surgeons and healthcare professionals offer safe and effective weight loss solutions. With a focus on affordability and exceptional care, our clinic in Uskudar, Turkey, has significant opportunities for you to achieve your health and wellness goals. You can experience mini gastric bypass in turkey with Heal Wide Clinic for an all-encompassing experience that not only revitalizes your life but also fits your budget. You can contact us for detailed information.

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey with Healwide Clinic

Mini gastric bypass surgery is generally contemplated in cases where individuals encounter obstacles such as suboptimal weight loss or complications arising from the initial surgery. The principal objective of this mini gastric bypass revision procedure is to augment the efficacy of the original intervention and optimize the outcomes in terms of weight loss.

If you are considering mini gastric bypass revision, you should consult with experienced bariatric surgeons and undergo a thorough evaluation of your medical history and requirements. For more information or to explore your options further, we invite you to visit Heal Wide Clinic for our expert guidance and professional healthcare services.

About Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey F.A.Q

What is a revision or a mini bypass?

A revision or mini bypass is a surgical procedure used to modify or adjust a previous weight loss surgery, typically a gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. It is often recommended when a patient’s initial bariatric surgery has not produced the desired weight loss or has led to complications. During a revision or mini bypass, the surgeon may make alterations to the existing weight loss procedure, such as resizing the stomach pouch or rerouting the small intestine to enhance weight loss or address complications.

Mini gastric bypass revision is typically required for a variety of reasons, with the most frequent factors being insufficient weight loss or weight regain post-initial mini bypass surgery, ongoing medical concerns, and complications such as ulcers, strictures, or malnutrition. These revision procedures are performed to make modifications or improvements to the initial surgery by either resizing the stomach pouch, altering the length of the rerouted small intestine, or addressing any complications that may have arisen.

A revision of a gastric bypass is a surgical intervention carried out to alter or rectify a prior gastric bypass surgery. Gastric bypass is a weight loss procedure that involves reducing the stomach’s size and redirecting the small intestine to facilitate weight loss. Bypass revisions are typically undertaken when the initial gastric bypass has not achieved the desired weight loss or has resulted in complications.

A mini gastric bypass, also known as a mini bypass or one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB), is a weight loss surgical procedure that works by restricting the size of the stomach and altering the path of food through the digestive system. During the surgery, a small stomach pouch is created, typically using a stapling technique, which limits the amount of food a person can consume.

The primary difference between a gastric bypass and a mini gastric bypass lies in the surgical technique and the extent of rerouting the digestive system. In a traditional gastric bypass, a small stomach pouch is created, and a section of the small intestine is rerouted to connect to this pouch, reducing the amount of food absorbed by the body. In contrast, a mini gastric bypass creates a smaller stomach pouch, but it typically involves a longer segment of the small intestine rerouted to the pouch, potentially increasing malabsorption and weight loss.

Is mini gastric bypass revision a safe procedure?

The safety of a mini gastric bypass revision procedure depends on various factors, including the patient’s overall health, the experience of the surgical team, and the specific reasons for the revision. While these revisions can be safe and effective in addressing issues such as inadequate weight loss or complications from the initial surgery, they do carry some inherent risks, including infection, bleeding, and the potential for further complications.

The recovery time for a mini gastric bypass revision varies from person to person but typically involves a hospital stay of one to two days after the surgery. Patients can expect to return to light activities within a few weeks and often resume full daily activities within four to six weeks. However, it’s important to note that recovery can be influenced by individual factors, including overall health and any complications that may have arisen during the revision.

The effects of a mini gastric bypass revision can be long-lasting, with many patients experiencing significant and sustained weight loss. However, the duration of these effects can vary depending on individual factors such as adherence to dietary and lifestyle changes, overall health, and any potential complications.

The extent of further weight loss after undergoing a mini gastric bypass revision surgery can vary from person to person. Many patients do experience additional weight loss following the revision, especially if the initial procedure did not achieve their weight loss goals or if there was weight regain.

However, the amount of weight loss and its sustainability depends on several factors, including individual adherence to dietary and lifestyle changes, overall health, and any potential complications

Yes, there are risks linked to mini gastric bypass revision surgery, much like with any surgical procedure. These potential risks encompass complications such as infections, bleeding, issues related to anesthesia, blood clot formation, leakage at the surgical site, and the risk of nutritional deficiencies due to changes in nutrient absorption. The precise nature and likelihood of these risks can differ based on an individual’s overall health, the experience of the surgical team, and the specific reasons behind the revision.

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